Help Center for Middle east and south Africa


workshop in:

“Help-Pop Curriculum

For Developmental disabilities and autism disorder

Professional Therapist”

Date : 7th,8th,9th February ,2016 (3 days)

Time : 5:00 pm -9:00 pm

Venue : Costa Del Sol Hotel – Salmiya

Presented By : Samar A. Al Anker

Targeted audience:

Parents , therapists, teachers, any person with interest in special needs field

Points of discussion:

what is Help-Pop Curriculum ?

assessment based on Help-Pop Curriculum

Build IEPs based on Help-Pop Curriculum

Cost : ……..KD (Includes Snacks , Training materials and Workshop certificate)

each participant gets an approved certificate from Help Center for Middle east and south Africa

each participant gets Help curriculum activities and practices guide

Seats are limited .

for information and registration : 60770828 965
